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The hurtful and healing of the writer

First of all, you might be asking yourself: Why did this man start to write a book? And there are many answers to this question. I could say that "I want to be the creator of something that will change men's life", that "I want to make some money" (which is virtually impossible in Brazil with a book, but never mind that) or maybe that "I want to create something that will help someone to get better"; however, for me, the answer and my first reason to start writing a book is that I wanted to read it. Just that simple.

This is really incredible; the process of writing is very hard because sometimes you need to write something hurtful to you and yet persevere until it heals you instead. It is an amazing process, albeit rather painful.

Anyone could be a writer. Writers are not writers because they write well and easily or have an amazing talent; they are writers because despite this agonizing process they never give up; At times they may suffer from a creative block or a similar issue, which is normal, but they never give up, a trait that I respect a lot.

If you are not convinced yet about how extraordinary a writer is, perhaps you should think only writers are capable of maintaining a conversation between people that don't really exist. When they need to talk to themselves, they talk with people created by them. They have the ability to give powers in exchange for nothing, create something entirely new and different, change the reader's vision, plant an idea on the reader's mind, kill or resurrect a character, and so forth.

Maybe I went too far and now you are afraid of writers, but here are somethings you need to know: these kind of people are the best. They may forget your name, yet they will remember your words from the first time you met. They won’t remember what you ask them, but they’ll remember every story you’ve ever told them. They may forget everything else, but they’ll never forget how to make you laugh.

Usually, writers are highly forgetful, melancholic, anti-social… but only because they worry greatly about remembering the more significant things, such as making you happy and striving to be the best person in your life.

From now on, every time you go to the mall, or open Amazon up looking for a new book, and something like “Oh my gosh, this is so expensive” pops up in your mind as you see the price tag, I beg you to think of this entire process.

Hopefully, now you too can see that writers are astonishing.

Always bear in mind: "Anything you say can and probably will be use in a text."


By: Lucas Garcia


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