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What If... Be Wong?

Probably, in some point of your life, someone else argued with you, maybe because you interrupted a conversation; said that someone is wrong or anything at this way... Well, since children, we are taught to not question certain authorities figures... Parents, teachers, older people... Usually, this thing is taking as an act of respect.

At school, you needed allowance to do basic biological needs as go to the bath or drink water... Many times, you were taught that if you don't obey the teacher, parent or any other authority figure a punishment will come; you were taught that adults are always right; you were taught that some homework that makes no sense will bring some kind of beneficial for you when it just sucks... In all these situations... But, in all situations, questioning was out of option...

In short, in a way or other, we learn that, certain people are always correct, and they know what is "right" to us, many times forgetting to consider what we really want...

But, what if they are wrong? What if the they don't know what is "right" or "better" for you?

If you are an adult, probably already thought and wondered what in a hell you're doing with your life... Indeed, I'm 99% sure that most of the people have no idea about what it's going on... All just can hide well, and with it, looks like that we know what is happening, even when we're completely loose and wishing to come back to childhood...

Think about it, makes me question... We all are humans, and basically we are at the same situation... We are subject to mistakes, aren't we? Isn't it what is said all the time? Commit errors are not human?

And well, dear reader... Despite the popular notion that, “make errors are human”... Most of us don't believe in these words, otherwise, we wouldn't assume so easily that a person is always right.

My theory to us always ignore that "make errors are human" is base on the actions that are demonstrated...

I'm sure that were few moments in your childhood, if they ever existed, where, you saw any authority figure, a adult, father, teacher making a mistake and recognizing that they made it... With it, maybe, strengthening the idea that certain authority were always right and never make mistakes.

Plus, when you made a mistake, probably your punishment was something pretty accented, be physically or psychologically...

When I noticed that most of the people have no idea of what they are doing... I started to ask, "what if... this person is wrong?"... After all, it's very likely they don't know about them life, imagine about my life...

Or, what if this thing is wrong?

What if this test is wrong?

Well, usually, we are reprimanded when we start to question the things... As I said before, if in any moment you contradict some authority figure saying there is a possibility he/she is wrong... You'll have punishment...

This also is equal to society... Lately, it's getting hard to criticize and wondering about something, without a flood of negative adjectives appear over you...

Many will even encourage you to question and everything else… However, only to the point where you don't question them… Just look at some bubbles of current society… If a certain individual criticizes the bubble that they are in, most of the time, he is purged, and they do the famous “cancellation”...

It's comical to see some people who espouse a random concept of free speech that is limited by what they like... In other words, if something, question or opinion is asked, and it is slightly different from what the person believes to be the “right”… Automatically, the person who raised the issue becomes adjectived as: fascist, Nazi, communist, genocidal, neoliberal, feminist, sexist… And anything else you find from time to time in trending topics on Twitter.

What's the problem with it?

Well, this was one of the first steps to totalitarian systems as Nazism, communism, fascism took the power and killed millions of people around the world in the last century.

The population who don't question and, is compelled to accept all the things that are imposing to them... It is perfect to the bad wolf do his atrocities.

An example of an atrocity that at some point I will do a more in-depth article about, is China…

In short words, in 1980; China imposed a public policy call by "one-child policy".

This social public policy was established by the PCC… Please don't be confused with one of the Brazilian mafias… I'm talking about another, even more dangerous and powerful mafia, known as the Chinese Communist Party.

The PCC ordered all Chinese to stop having more than 1 children...

Maybe just that doesn't scare you.

Let's say you are a Chinese citizen who has had 1 child and by accident will have a second... Well, I'm sorry, you may even have this second child, but the big brother will take care of this child to be murdered and, you woman, will undergo castration so that never have children again.

In other words, if you have a child beyond what is allowed, this individual who has barely reached the world, will be discarded as garbage, and you will be treated as an animal, where they will drag you to a dirty room, and ensure that you never "make a mistake" again.

If you wanna know a little more about it... I recommend the documentary "One-child Policy" on Amazon Prime.

But, why does it matter in this article?

Well, when we watch this documentary, we can see the creator and interviewer asks her parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and ordinary people who live in China a question (she was also born and raised in China, but moved to the United States), about their opinion regarding the imposition of this policy.

Unanimously, all of them… Even the women who had their children ripped of and saw their children thrown into the dump in plastic bags… Defended the Chinese Communist Party, without even thinking twice; justifying that the authorities knew what was best for them.

Many were even afraid that they were simply appearing in the documentary, as it could mean that they were questioning the decision that the CCP authorities had taken in the past.

Well, in China, if you question the CCP or if your opinion differs from what the Chinese Communist Party thinks is right, you will be sent to a concentration camp, ops, re-education camp and maybe, your organs will be given to some kid around of the world.

To finish, I suggest you start to question everything. Also, I ask you do not be a asshole... If you don't agree with your friend... Say bad words to him, doesn't bring a real gain on the situation... Just block the person... However, as you, as idiotic as it can be your idea or other person idea; still is the right of the person to defend it... Do not follow the example of the Chinese Communist Party, which loves to decide and act as if it knows what is best for Chinese citizens and uses force and coercion to ensure that its orders are carried out.

Remember, at the same time you can be wrong, other can too. Don't agree with everything quite.

If you like it, help me by sharing the text with friends and random people you know ( ^∇^)

Written by: Lucas Garcia

Follow me on Instagram: @jornadalucasgarcia

Follow me on twitter: @jornadalucasgar

“A society that robs an individual of the product of his effort, or enslaves him, or attempts to limit the freedom of his mind, or compels him to act against his own rational judgment ... is not, strictly speaking, a society, but a mob held together by institutionalized gang-rule.”

~ Ayn Rand.


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