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Music, Teacher's Biggest Villain? Or the Students' Best Friend?

Writer's picture: OlucasgarciaOlucasgarcia

During all my student life, I lived together with other students that loved listening to music while they were in classes, doing their tasks, studying, copying, or any kind of things... I would say that, over half of the students that I had any kind of social interaction, adored listening to music while they were doing any task.

Mostly, when a teacher noticed this thing was happening, a scream came up signaling a warning and order that the student takes off the phone and put the cellphone in the backpack, even if the activity was something extremely dumb as copy random this from a book or a board.

Besides that, if we analyze the tendency in the last years of the most common music style listening to study, the lo-fi, we can observe a progressive growth:

How I'm an extremely curious person that loves to know the reasons why people take some actions, usually I used to ask my colleagues, why they listen to music even if they were studying...

Most answers were that music help them, to concentrate or, in some way, make easier the absorption of knowledge...

Well, in a certain year, I had a teacher that defended with all his forces, the argument that was impossible you listen to music and do another task... Principally, if this task was something intellectual.

All the times he noticed a student listening to music, even if the task was handmade, he stopped all the other things that we were doing, and he repeated the mantra that was scientifically proven that a small group of people could make two activities at the same time, therefore, listen to music was out of the terms.

Based on the argument of it is impossible for most people to make two tasks at the same time, even if it is a passive activity as listen to music, also we can get to the logical point that a person can't take notes while she's listening to teacher subject...

Well, in fact, I know several people that prefer to be paying attention to what the teacher is talking than taking notes of some important words or anything like that... As well as, I know people that prefer to take notes of important points and listen to the teacher.

Including, this same teacher, requested affectionately... For the students, make some notes while he was talking.

Anyway, all the times I asked people why they were doing things that way, the answer always was: "it works better to me in this way".

I must agree that maybe I went far to make the comparison between music and take notes while listening to the teacher... However, what I'd like to point is even that some people learn better in an X or Y way... Doing H or J... I don't think there is an absolute truth that defines all human beings.

After all, each of us, is a different individual.

I'm saying this, thinking that each of us, owns the most complex biological structure of the planet...

The brain is something so complex that like fingerprints, no other human has the same cerebral conjecture... This, including, is a barrier for direct integration technologies between the brain and the virtual world.

We can look at how crazy and different our brains are, when we analyze, for example, the better way that each of us can learn a new skill, subject, book...

Including, this can be represented by a test that shows us "the way you can learn more easily "... Where, the most famous ways are, "listening", "visual", "reading", "writing" and "kinesthetic".

I thought about it again, after listening to my teacher's mantra at an audiobook... Although, with a difference... In "Limitless", the author says there are several scientific types of research are showing that when you listen to music while you are studying, not just helps with a better knowledge absorption as also encourages concentrate and memory.

Including, the author recommends that people should create playlists to listen to the same kinds of musics every time that they will study.

Maybe, what caught my attention in everything that he showed in the book, was the fact, that I've already passed by this.

In 2020, the most books that I've read were accompanied by only one piano playlist... In the beginning, I was just making this thinking to avoid some external noises...

After some read books with this habit, I started to notice something different happening... In some way, each time I listen to those same songs, a "feeling" from any book that I've read, appeared... Automatically, I started to remember those stories, places, and even the character's names (this is extremely hard for me... There are people that I know for years and I still forget their names).

Well, I have no idea of which researches are right or wrong... Indeed, I don't believe there is a right or wrong in all this story.

For example, often when I want to do something, I can concentrate extremely fast if I'm in absolute silence... And, at the same time, once in a while some background music achieves the same effect...

But, in all this story, I believe that a big mistake is being made, and this is my true critic.

As I talked about before, there are many ways to learn... If we can agree on this point, it can mean that "castrate" one of these ways to learn, might be prejudicial to a person who is looking to develop, right?

Although this text is talking about music, this point can be used to any others ways that people use to learn and, because it's unusually, they are compelling to put aside and follow what other people think to be the best for them...

So, if we think a little more, what is better for me can not be the same thing that is better for you... After all, each of us, is a different being, with different thoughts, different wishes, different experiences...

For example, oftentimes during the classes, I was reading random fiction books... Many teachers fought and order to me keep my book? Yes... Many teachers made questions trying to "catch me" and supposedly find out if I was paying attention to what was happening during the class? Yes... Any time I answered wrong, I got a low grade, or couldn't I repeat the last 30 words the teacher spoke and almost teach the class in their place? None…

What does this mean? Well, nothing... Just maybe, the way how my brain "works" is a little different from the majority...

In short... I believe that makes more sense to encourage the people to make what they think is right for themselves.

After all, they are owners of themselves, they can make their on choices, and it's not up to external people to decide what's right for the person X or not.

In other words,

Do you learn better listening to music? Great, listen to music.

Do you learn better reading? Amazing, study reading.

Do you learn better just listening? Great, record the class audio and listen any time you want to.

Do you learn better... Making X or Y? Great.

Don't get me wrong... This does not exempt the individual from bearing the consequences of their choices... And, this is one more learning that anyone should have...

So, if students tried the model X or Y and didn't work... Well, they gonna fucked off... If they tried J, K, L and didn't work yet... Well, they gonna fucked off again...

After many failures during this journey, the student will find the most efficient way how he learns... Or, sometimes, he's gonna find his way, on the first try... Life is not fair... Anyway, at the moment the student figures out his way, I can guarantee the profits he will have to achieve this, will be incomparable and will justify all the time when he's fucked off.

Well, What do you think about it?

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Escrito por: Lucas Garcia

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